Self-discovery- The journey to define your
Self begins with finally, making a change, any change.
In your self-inflicted or forced journey of
self-discovery, you are asked by endless self-help books, Face Book threads and memes
to ask yourself this question, or that question. The latest trend I’m seeing is
“do nothing”; which I equate to the mid-life crisis’ version of non-schooling
or even Atheism.
All the cliches and coined phrases have been
regurgitated in memes and links leaving your bookmarks tab full or pages saved that
you’ll never have time to read. I mean let’s be honest; you’d have to be on a
computer, smart phone or tablet non-fucking stop to read it all. I will do my
best to not use any such phrase now, unless of course, this is your first read
on self-help and for that, welcome and safe travels!
Don’t get me wrong, I love the spiritual
and social evolution that is bubbling up from this beautiful planet we call
home and many of my besties (and cousins) are deeply rooted in this shift. I
aspire to be in their realm and climb a little higher every day to understand,
and accept. I am in awe of many of them and constantly inspired but still found
myself stuck.
So I ask myself, what is “doing nothing”? Is
it not working? Is it moving? Is it watching HGTV all day? No, wrong again. I
like to think of it this way; with so many of us asking “what should I do with
my life?” clearly the question exists on a much higher scale than ever
before. Why must I attend University? What
kind of life should I provide for my children? Why must I own a house? In asking these questions, we are admitting to
ourselves that we don’t like the paths our society has offered us or we see a
change that needs to happen. For
example, don’t get me started on WTF with oil, war, guns and religion. But I am
one, what can I do? And how do these problems and worries really affect me on a
daily basis and my desire to be better, do better?
I find it odd that self-help books are
written by others but you. I appreciate their guidance and sharing their
thoughts on how they achieved nirvana but come-on, have you been in my head
after I’ve smoked a bowl and have patented 3.5 ideas and developed 5 new
world-changing business ideas?
So many questions. Where to begin? Where are the Cliff’s Notes on
self-actualization, enlightenment, and conscience evolution? The web is flooded with information but the labyrinth in the virtual world is enough to blow anyone’s mind.
If you are truly stuck in life but feel, or
know, you need change for the better my advice is, yes, do nothing. Don’t climb
in a hole though and do nothing. That would be weird. Reach out, talk, go into nature, be with friends and family but also go easy on your
Self. The universe will bring its change whether you’re ready or not. So if you don’t know which way to go and find
yourself relating to every song on the radio because it speaks to you, now, at
that traffic light, just sing. So I find
myself, perhaps, writing Chapter 1 of the Cliff notes. At least, for my Self’s version.
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