At the end of last year, I changed my Facebook profile picture to a Phoenix. Some friends “liked” it and got it. Some
questioned. Some just didn’t get it. I
chose it as a symbolic "goal" I suppose? Hoping to raise my person from the ashes
I was in and have created, and be better in every sense of the word. However,
after moving across country, ending a 15 year career and separating from my
life-partner and husband, I feel like a Box troll; nice at heart, buried in
boxes and eating garbage of self-pity. It feels like the bottom was there, so
many times. Or at least my toes were
touching it. Or, was it really that bad?
Can I rise from this or is there still down to go?
I suppose it's all perspective. And that's what I am seeking actually; a new perspective. I may not become the Phoenix, but I'm hoping to become a better Bird.
Love ya Birdie! Spread those wings and learn to fly!:)